Areas we need help
Cleaning and Caregiving
Our shelter is located in New Britain. This is our greatest need for volunteer help. Cats are by nature clean animals and appreciate when their environment is kept clean and sanitized. We need dependable volunteers each day of the week for cleaning, straightening and sanitizing rooms, including cleaning litter boxes. We put high priority on volunteers being team players and being flexible in their duties and responsibilities. Volunteers will be trained in our system.
Sponsor/ Monthly Donor Liaison
This is a new volunteer position. This individual would provide updates to donors on their sponsored cat. This may be in the form of an email or physical card and ideally would be written from the sponsored cats perspective. Creativity is appreciated. It would be important for the liaison to make periodic visits to the shelter for first hand knowledge of the sponsored cats.
Transportation Volunteer
Bringing cats to vet appointments, waiting and returning cats to shelter/foster homes. Drop offs - early morning drop offs of cats to spay/neuter clinics. Pick ups- Picking up cats at an arranged time from clinics and returning them to the shelter.
Evening Feeders
Evening feeders volunteer between 3 pm and 6 pm in the evening. Evening feeders are counted on to be there. These volunteers pick up and wash the dishes from the morning feeding and plate the evening wet food meals for the cats at the shelter. Light litter maintenance is also expected. We have an opening for Friday, Saturdays and Sundays currently. Volunteers will be trained in our system.
Cat/ Kitten Fosters
Our baby kittens may be with or without their mothers. The choice is yours. With mothers, the kittens require very little attention as the mother cat will take care of them. Motherless kittens, less than 4 weeks old, need to be bottle fed and stimulated to potty. Kitten fostering may be up to an 8 week commitment. At 8 weeks of age, the kittens are ready for adoption. Adult cats may have other needs. FOSTERS NEED TO FILL OUT AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION.
Volunteers with good writing skills help with our quarterly newsletter. Volunteers write short stories about our resident cats or adoptees in their new homes. Newsletter volunteers need to get to know the cats and their stories by volunteering at the shelter.
Event Coordinator Volunteer
AFOC holds a number of fund-raising events during the warm months, ending with our Bake Sale in late October , but we could really use a dynamic planner and coordinator to raise monies for us during the year. If you have experience organizing fundraising programs,public relations skills , ideas and time to offer, we would greatly appreciate your help.
Event Volunteers
Assist at events, preparing, set up, clean up, ideas. Any areas you can add to help our fund raising events is appreciated!
Outdoor Maintenance
Limited outdoor maintenance as needed each season.
Building Maintenance
We are looking for anyone with carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, roofing, etc. experience to help maintain our shelter in New Britain CT.
Join our team at the shelter! We are constantly seeking dedicated volunteers to lend a hand. Volunteering with us offers flexibility to fit your schedule; come as frequently or infrequently as you prefer. We welcome your support!
***Shelter volunteers must be over the age of 18 and have health insurance. Exceptions are at the discretion of the volunteer coordinator.***